Season 6 ...
"Fruit rots from the inside out. It's not called corruption if you just peel away the layers to expose the rotten core."
"Wasted potential is the greatest sin of all."
"Passion is also unpredictable."
"Blood will have blood."
"There's nothing you can do to change the past, you can only work to make the future better."
"To kill a man in the fight to protect your homeland is one thing, but to pick out a Roman at random and execute him for a crime he may or may not have committed -- that is something else."
"I've learned something since coming back here. You can't look for peace in the world around you. You have to look for it in your own heart. I was happy when I was a kid here because I was loved and felt like I belonged. I was lucky then, and I'm lucky now."

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